Thursday, November 20, 2008

Livy's 1st Trip to Utah

Livy's 1st time on an airplane...she was so good!

Bath time in the kitchen sink at Kris & Catherine's
house in Riverton, UT

Awesome sister-in-law Catherine

Cousins Ben & Josh Schulthies

Dinner at Maddox with the Sisters...
Mom met Livy for the first time.

Livy's Grandma & Grandpa Schulthies

Okay now we're ready for some fun...the Anderson
Ladies Night Out to the midnight showing of
TWILIGHT!!! You should not be allowed to have
this much fun!! We needed a few Diet Pepsi Limes
to stay awake at our age...once we saw Edward though
there were no droopy eyes...

Paul's cousin Kristi, who rented out the theatre
gave us all Vampire teeth.

The two Emily's...sooo scarey!

These Ladies all had special shirts made for the
show...Sarah Winn's 'Jaren is my Edward', Emily
Kinear's 'Sorry Edward, I'm taken', Emily's Friend
Emily 'Edward, where the h___ are you', Shelly's
'Jim is my Edward' and Stephanie's 'I'm still looking
for my Edward'

Sweet new cousin Cambri Rose White

Tied for newest cousin Afton Anderson

Hanging out at Shauna's Condo before Twilight

Visiting Santaquin Cousins

Nice to meet you Uncle Scott


The Larson Family said...

Looks like you had a great trip! I'm sure they all loved meeting cute little Livy! I'm so excited to know you have family in Riverton! Next time we'll be there too!!! You'll have to visit us (I know you have TONS of people to visit there, but maybe we can meet on the freeway, or a gas station bathroom or something!)

Catherine Schulthies said...

I'm so glad we got to have a part in Livy's first trip to Utah! Can't wait for the second! See you soon!